Kristiina Ehin – Walker on Water

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oktoober 16, 2014 @ 6:00 p.l.
Larkspur - San Francisco Ferry Building
Ameerika Ühendriigid

A woman cultivates a knack for walking on water, but is undermined by her husband’s brain, which he removes each night when he returns home from work; a repeat divorcee struggles with the irksome habit of eating her husbands’ arms; a very skeptical dragon wonders what sex is all about: these are the stories of Kristiina Ehin, Estonia’s literary star. Walker on Water gathers a collection of unforgettable folktales and reimagines them for the 21st Century. Combining elements of surrealism and the fantastical, she prods at the idiosyncrasies of modern relationships, and creates new mythologies for the likes of love, desire, and fidelity.  Ilmar Lehtpere’s translation renders Ehin’s distinctive narratives–always occurring just below the surface of waking life –with confidence, humor and intelligence.

Kristiina Ehin is an internationally renowned poet. Her collection The Drums of Silence was awarded the British Poetry Society Popescu Prize for European Poetry in Translation in 2007, and her collection 1001 Winters has been nominated for the same prize in 2013.  In her native Estonia, Ehin has published six volumes of poetry, three books of short stories, and a retelling of South-Estonian folk tales. She has written plays, as well as poetic radio broadcasts. She has won Estonia’s most prestigious poetry prize for Kaitseala—a book of poems and journal entries written during a year spent living as a nature reserve warden on an otherwise uninhabited island off Estonia’s north coast.

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